Thursday, August 28, 2008

Please pray for Hayden

Tomorrow Hayden is having surgery. He is having tubes put into his ears. We are extremely nervous. He is having the procedure done at Children's Hospital so we know he will have excellent care. Please keep our family in your prayers over the next couple of days.


Leslie Davis Reynolds said...

You will all be in our prayers. We went through this with Cooper when he was right at a year old. I promise it will be over before you know it. Literally it takes them no time and your baby will be right back in your arms. We will be thinking about you guys tomorrow :) Good Luck Little Guy!!

Mary Michael Conkin said...

How did it go? I am sure he did great! Tubes were a real blessing for Bailey!

Traci said...

hunter had to have tubes in both ears and an adenoid-ectomy (sp?) the worst part was when they took him off by himself and we had to just wait.